
Kindergarden – «Im Töbele»

Restraint and reduction also determine the materiality and interior design of the kindergarden.

  • Object

    Community kindergarten "Im Töbele", Rechberghausen, Germany

  • Concept

    Gaus Architekten, Göppingen, Germany | Schuster - Der RaumAusstatter, Salach, Germany

  • Photos

    Friedemann Rieker, Germany

Starting Point
A new building kindergarten whose rooms are all on one level, barrier-free.
The group areas are visually divided by the colours yellow, blue and green.
The rooms, which are predominantly south and south-west facing, all have floor-to-ceiling windows. A sun protection solution was required.

The discreet colour elements are incorporated in the interior for the curtains, pendant lights and in the washrooms and serve as identification and orientation.
The incidence of light from the south or south-west is limited and regulated by a projecting flat roof as well as internal and external curtains. The outdoor curtains are particularly striking in the design of the building envelope.

Reference Sheet

Textiles Used


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