
One-Story House – Aichi

A one-story house in harmony with nature. Living in the midst of a green idyll.

  • Object

    One-Story House, Aichi, Japan

  • Concept

    M+H Architect Studio
    Makoto Hayashi

  • Photos

    Tololo studio, Hiroshi Tanigawa, Tokyo

Starting Point
When considering the true value of a living space, the conclusion is that it should be designed as a space where the change of seasons and the passage of time can be felt as you spend time in it. The room allows you to experience the soft light and the natural breeze that blows through the greenery and has a refreshing effect. The design, materials and colours used are deliberately kept simple. In addition, the floor plan is designed flexibly to meet the needs and moods at different times. The underlying idea is that a generous space that values “blank spaces” and makes it possible to be in different places depending on one’s mood creates an extraordinarily enriching living atmosphere. This house places a special focus on the appreciation of inner richness.

With the help of SINFONIA CS curtain fabric, a gentle connection is created between the wooded garden in the front yard and the wooded garden in the courtyard. The beautiful and light symphony of the wind gives the feeling of being one with the natural wind blowing through the house.

Reference Sheet
  • SINFONIA CS VI -330 1051

Textiles Used


All References